The Grownup


First Time Reader. Suspense excites you. I have a book for you.

A short but impactful read.

The Grownup is a 64 page novella by Gillian Flynn. Perfect for people who enjoy suspense and want their first book to be crisp and to the point, but also, with the perfect amount of content.

Our narrator is a con artist who takes pride in her seedy business. She thinks her fortune is about to turn, only to realize that she is entwined in a web spun by one of her most loyal customers.

This intriguing, suspense filled short story rolls out in an eerie Victorian home where our narrator experiences way more than she signed up for.

Writing more about this book wouldn’t be a fair deal, so let’s just leave the rest to you.


  1. “I’m not really a nerd; I only aspire to be one.”
  2. “Millions of dollars later, and neither of them were happy. Money is wasted on the rich.”
  3. “inside joke is like a symbol of friendship without having to do the work required of an actual friendship. So”
  4. “Insomniacs are exquisitely grateful for people to recognize their weariness.”


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